There was once a young with who lived in the woods. Her name was Cassie and she spoke in tounges. She spoke to the wild animals and she spoke to the earth about earthly things. She was also kind and caring and loved everyone. It was her open heart and willing, quick mind that people drew to. On market days she would sell her wares – remedies and potions to heal and soothe – and they worked. She became known as a healer and a soothe-sayer and whilst people were drawn to her in times of trouble or strife, they were not afraid of her in any way. Her open-hearted compassion was a blessing in itself and although she was young, they relished her easy, quick wisdom in situations.
Cassie married and bore three children. Whilst they all inherited some part of her gifts, none were as talented as her. She could speak to the moon, whisper its name, and make sense of the coming events and happenings. She knew when farmers should reap and sow and they regularly took her guidance on earthly matters. Cassie wanted for nothing, anything she needed or wanted was there. She loved completely, her husband was her united heart and the blessings they shared were love and kindness. Nothing daunted them, they were cheerful and happy and laughed often. Their children were happy and danced and sang. To them, the world was a playground and their mother a divine free spirit in communion with all of it.
Cassie’s greatest love was for the earth, for Gaia and the goddess within. This was her divine love and the source of replenishment and comfort. Walking in the woods was like walking in heaven. The trees felt alive to her, the ground vibrated with love and the cool, damp air felt like kindness and blessing.
One day, the army came and took Cassie away. She was tricked into revealing her secrets and tricked into sharing what she knew and how she lived. She wondered how she had been so stupid, or how she had not been warned in any way. Her normal reckonings had left her and in terror, she felt lost and alone. Only the moon was her friend. She danced and sang for Gaia but to no avail. They took her, cut her hair, and burnt her as a witch. She was told the fires of hell awaited her. In her last song, she sang for Gaia, sang for her earth mother and in death they were reunited.
Cassie spent a long time in the earth, a long time longing for freedom but afraid to go back. Eventually, she did go back but was cautious and timid and uncertain. She trusted no one, especially her own heart, which she closed and shut down to life. Time and time again she came back, dawdling with lifetimes and never realising her true heart or how to love. Thwarted and frustrated, she came back time after time. Holding the key and yet guarding the lock. But love itself must be realised and the truth of Gia will out. The deep and dark longing she felt surfaced enough times for her to begin to wonder what true love actually was. The nature of love became a mystery to her and yet her longing for it grew. She idled her time wondering about a great love, one that would make her happy. Projections were outward, looking to people, places, events, and occasions. But nothing held her gaze for long and she was constantly on to the next thing. Looking outward, all Cassie could see were temporary representations of happiness. She married, was unhappy and so left him. On and on the cycle, until a glimmer of truth whispered into view. A truth of allness, of oneness, of hope in connection.
Through a closed heart, she tried to perceive the truth of this, knowing at some level the truth was hers. But knowing wasn’t enough to satisfy her bleeding heart and so on and on she went. Until one day, she relaxed with all of it. Just that. Relaxed.
Cassie began to open her heart to situations, and she began to trust her sense of that. Of what is good, and what is good for her. Also, of realising her gifts and talents for what they were. Special, unique and a spark of light for others. Light therapy worked, for the light activated her longing to access her former gifts of knowing, sensing and of access to guidance and wisdom. Her trust was key and held access to the lock she had guarded all this time.
So, all was well and becoming and yet still she missed her mate. He was a stone’s throw from her and yet she couldn’t access the meet-cute. Eventually, time gave way and in he walked, as if he’d just been out for a breakfast walk in the woods and shown back up, hungry, and full of life.; their reunion was joyous and their love-making sweet and full of passion. Together they made a family again and that was full of love and pretty special. They met as a happy accident, and they chuckle about it often. Jokes and laughter are constant between them, and life is full and fast and fun.
And what of Gaia? Well, she continues to heal Cassie’s raw and ragged places, such devastation cannot be reckoned with lightly. It’s a steady, ongoing process of unfolding joy and gratitude and the true reason for her happiness. Gaia, mother earth, is Cassie’s one true love and it’s one that pervades everything she sees and everything she meets.

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